About Us

Our Story

Whatsthischannel.com was born out of a simple question: “What channel is this?” In 2023, a group of television enthusiasts and tech wizards came together with a vision to simplify the way people find TV channel numbers. We realized that with the myriad of providers and ever-changing channel lineups, viewers needed a one-stop solution to easily locate their favorite channels.

Our Mission

At Whatsthischannel.com, we are committed to providing the most comprehensive and user-friendly resource for TV channel information. Whether you’re looking for the number of a sports channel on satellite TV or a movie channel on cable, we’ve got you covered.

What We Do

We offer an extensive database of channel numbers across various TV providers, genres, and regions. Our unique search functionality allows users to quickly find the information they need, without the hassle.

Meet the Team

  • Alex Johnson, Co-Founder & CEO: A tech enthusiast with a passion for media, Alex leads our team with innovation and vision.
  • Sam Lee, Content Manager: With a keen eye for detail, Sam ensures our channel listings are always up-to-date.
  • Riley Smith, Lead Developer: The tech genius behind our user-friendly website, Riley is dedicated to providing a seamless user experience.

Why Choose Us

What sets us apart is our commitment to accuracy and ease of use. Our team regularly updates the channel information to ensure you have the most current data at your fingertips.

Community & Feedback

We value our user community and are always eager to hear your feedback. Whether it’s a suggestion for a new feature or a compliment on our service, your input is what shapes our website.

Get In Touch

Have questions or suggestions? Reach out to us at contact@whatsthischannel.com or follow us on our social media platforms.